Reading and Spelling Inventory

Our comprehensive language / literacy evaluation is designed to provide a full understanding of your child’s reading ability and the level and type of supports that they need in order to achieve reading proficiency.

Not only does this evaluation provide insight that aids your child’s professional therapist in planning your child’s sessions. It can also be shared with you child’s school so that they can better understand your child’s needs.

What is included?

The Reading and Spelling Inventory Includes

Access to our science based suite of spelling, reading, and writing assessments customized to your child’s learning needs.

A 45 minute consultation with a therapist who will perform assessments tailored to your specific concern and discuss the assessment outcomes with you.

An 8-10 page report that you can share with your child’s teacher or your school’s reading specialist, as well as reccomendations for next steps.

Learn More.

Do you have a child who is struggling with reading, writing, or spelling?

With our Reading and Spelling Inventory, you can gain insight into your child’s learning needs from the comfort of your own home.

Our Comprehensive Language / Literacy Evaluation is offered in partnership with Lexercise. Click on the link below to learn more about this service.

Our evaluation is personalized, convenient, and costs less than other evaluations at $195.


A Few Words From A Client.

“It has been amazing to see my daughter’s reading skills grow over such a short period of time. Thanks to Robert she has become more confident and excited about reading.”



Start Your Journey.

Book your comprehensive language / literacy evaluation today.