Dyslexia Screener

It can be difficult for many parent’s to gauge whether or not a child’s reading development is normal for their age. A free dyslexia screener can give you valuable insight into whether or not dyslexia / structured literacy therapy is right for you.


The Power of Early Intervention.

Studies show that children with dyslexia who receive intervention in early grades make nearly twice the progress of those who wait. Our expert tutors can help your child develop strong phonemic awareness, fluency, and comprehension, setting them on the path to becoming confident readers.


Learning Disability Screener

Learning disabilities affect many people, but if they are recognized and attended to through appropriate interventions, they can be overcome.

Our free online learning disability screener can tell you if your child is likely to have a learning disability. By taking action, you can make the different.


A Few Words From A Parent.

"I am delighted to share my heartfelt gratitude for my daughter's reading teacher. With his dedicated weekly efforts, my daughter, who has dyslexia, has made significant strides in her reading journey. His commitment and effective teaching methods have been instrumental in unlocking the joy of reading for her. We are truly grateful for the positive impact he has had on her learning experience.”


Empowering Readers.

Our practice is focused on the belief that everyone has the right to read. The body of research collectively known as “the science of reading” has provided us with the knowledge and tools that allow even students who struggle with reading to become proficient readers. We take put the theory into practice so that we can bring the joys of reading to as many people as we can.


What is dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a specific learning disability. This means that it is a learning disability that affects a specific area of function, in this case reading, and is not correlated with a person’s general intelligence. Many bright and successful people have dyslexia. Receiving proper support allows individuals to overcome the obstacles that dyslexia creates, allowing them to realize their potential.

People with dyslexia struggle to decode language. They have difficulties translating print to speech and speech to print. In order to read and write, different brain regions must learn to communicate with one another, and this is not something that happens naturally. Reading must be taught. Research tells us that up to 20% of the population has difficulty in learning to read and can benefit from structured literacy therapy.

While there are certain neurobiological characteristics associated with dyslexia, and dyslexia does seem to have a hereditary component, having dyslexia is not at all abnormal. People with dyslexia often feel embarrassed or ashamed about their reading difficulty, so it is important for everyone know that having reading difficulty is not at all abnormal, and is not at all invalidating.

Based on over 6000 studies from the past 50 years, we now have a better understanding than ever before on how the brain learns to read, and how to build the cognitive networks that reading requires. It is our pleasure to help our clients discover that they too can become readers.


Start Your Journey.

Start your child’s journey into reading today by reaching out. He or she deserves to live a life that’s filled with the wonder, knowledge, and joy that reading brings. Take the first step. Schedule a consultation